All Life is Connected

     All life is connected in some way or form. The quote says, “That there are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind.” This means nothing you do is by accident, and everything happens for a reason. Therefore, if someone makes a decision it affects more than just that person. For example, in The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Eddie runs out in front a car into the road to get a ball. That event may seem insignificant to Eddie, but to the Blue Man that caused him to lose his life. Every day you could affect someone without even knowing it. It could be mentally, physically, or emotionally, but it’ll still impacts a life. The cause and effect of what happens is connected to everyone. Overall, the meaning of this quote to me is everything happens for a reason and everyone influences it in a way.

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